Erlend Hamberg
Forms of “tengah” When reading Indonesian texts I have seen several forms of “tengah”: • tengah hari • pertengah tahun • penengah bulah • sekolah menengah What are the differences between these forms of “tengah”?
Oct 15, 2014 10:39 AM
Answers · 10
• tengah hari ---> this means the potition of something. tengah is mean middle so "tengah hari" here explains the day between morning and afternoon, another example: "tengah malam" (between evening and early morning) • pertengahan tahun ---> per-tengah-an tahun, per - and an are the affixes in bahasa Indonesia, "pertengahan tahun" means in the middle of year • pertengahan bulan ---> this is affixes too, "pertengahan bulan" means in the middle of month (I'm not sure about "penengah bulan" I think you were typo?) • sekolah menengah ---> "sekolah menengah" is the grade of school. in English you usually say "secondary or middle school" try to learn more about affixes from here... hope it helped!
October 15, 2014
Basically, it means a point between two edges or two places. Left alone, it works with preposition. E.g.: di tengah laut (in the middle of the sea), pada tengah hari (at noon 12:00 PM). Now, let’s try to add the prefix. SE-TENGAH which means ‘a half’. E.g.: jam setengah empat (3:30 PM), setengah tahun (half-year), setengah abad (half-century, 50 years). In a repetition ‘setengah-setengah’ like in this sentence: dia bekerja setengah-setengah, it means that he doesn’t complete his work. ME-(N)ENGAH which means move into the center as a verb; perahu itu menengah menuju samudera (the boat goes to the center of the ocean). While as an adjective, it means the medium category; pekerja kelas menengah (middle class worker). PE-(N)ENGAH which means one who attempts to bring an agreement between two parties. The suffixes for this word only exist in one form: TENGAH-AN. It is rarely used; but if you want to say dua tengahan sama dengan satu (two halves equals one), it is still correct. In informal situation, it is common to say pindah tengahan sedikit (move aside slightly to the center). The word also agrees with both prefixes and suffixes. ME-(N)ENGAH-I (verb): to bring an agreement for a dispute. Used quite often. ME+NGE-TENGAH-I (verb): to place oneself to the center of something. Rarely used. ME+NGE-TENGAH-KAN (verb): synonymous with MENENGAH; bring to the center. To speak out (mengetengahkan pendapatnya = to bring attention to his opinion). PER-TENGAH-AN (noun): indicating time between the beginning and the end. Also means the average for number. Hence, for your question: tengah hari (noon), pertengahan tahun (between the beginning and the end of a year), penengah bulan (colloquial way to say pertengahan bulan, never used anymore though), and sekolah menengah (middle school, between elementary and tertiary school). Tadaaa you have learned all forms of the word 'tengah'! Have fun learning! Hope this helps :)
October 22, 2014
Tengah hari = midday (between morning and afternoon) Pertengahan tahun = in the middle of (Juli Ot Augus adalah pertengahan tahun) Pertengahan bulan = in the middle october (15,16) Sekolah Menengah = Middle school. it"s meant between.
October 15, 2014
"Tengah" på norsk er mellom eller midt-/mid-, men det kan jo har forskjellig betydning når du bruker sammen med andre ord.
• tengah hari : formiddag
• pertengah tahun: midten av året.
• penengah bulah: (?). Kanskje du skrev feil.
• sekolah menengah: ungdomsskole. I Norge er det grunnskole. Grunnskolen er delt inn i barnetrinnet (1.–7. årstrinn) og ungdomstrinnet (8.–10. årstrinn), sant? "Sekolah menengah" er ungdomstrinnet

April 9, 2015
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