Allen Yu
carding Toronto city solicitor Albert Cohen, who was present at the meeting, told board members the legal issues were complex. His department is still in the process of reviewing and discussing the nature and purposes of the contacts. There “may well be legal, defensible and, I would expect, Charter-proof rationales for these types of contacts,” Cohen told the board. But Police Chief Bill Blair reiterated that stops prompted by race are indefensible. “If a police officer was to stop an individual and the sole purpose of doing that was motivated by the race of a person or any of the human rights codes, that, in my opinion, would be an offence under the code,” said Blair. (I don't understand this statement, Blari said stops prompted by race are indefensible, but what he said seemed he thought stops were defensible.) The board accepted Hall’s letter,
Nov 27, 2014 4:43 AM
Answers · 1
Hi, Blair did not say that stops are always defensible. (1) First, he said that there may be *some* circumstances (有些情况下)where stops are both legal and defensible. (2) Then he said that if the stops were *solely* (i.e., *only*) motivated by race, then they are not defensible. (3) Finally, between the quotes, the statement is that "if a police officer stopped a person only because of his/her race, then that would be an offense (i.e., a violation) under the law." This is the same statement as (2) above.
November 27, 2014
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