Красно - Красны. I just saw that the short form adjective of красный in neutral and plural (красно и красны) both may be stressed in the first or the second syllables. I would like to know if this depends on the speakers choice or if these versions should be used in specific situations. Also, are there many short form adjectives that do the same? Thanks for your replies (preferrably in English or Spanish).
Nov 28, 2014 6:25 PM
Answers · 21
For "красный" both variants are possible. Otherwise, there is quite a list. Stress is affected by the overall trend to move stress to the end. Some popular short adjectives with two options are беден, близок, вреден, верен, нежен, добр, дружен, крупен, короток, зелен, жаден, полон, низок, твёрд, страшен, смел, сложен. In general you should check dictionary, since some adjectives may have completely switched to ending-stressed plural form (and, maybe, neuter), like "малЫ". It is much easier for "красный". Since in modern Russian its primary meaning is that of colour, it is almost always used as a short adjective in the meaning "beautiful, fine" (short adjectives are not used for colours or materials in their literal meaning). Which is archaic. So now it is mostly used in set expressions like "Красна изба не углами.." or "Долг платежом красен".
November 28, 2014
Could you write the examples with красно and красны?
November 28, 2014
Short form adjectives have only qualitative adjectives. For example, you can't say "книга детска" (it's "детская книга"), because it's not qualitative adjective.
November 28, 2014
Виктор Цой - Красно-жёлтые дни. Красно говорить. Выходили красны девицы (русск.нар.песня).
November 29, 2014
About Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko
November 30, 2014
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