목욕탕 - 찜질방 목욕탕 - 찜질방은 어떻게 다른가요?
Dec 29, 2014 3:38 AM
Answers · 2
목욕탕은 온탕이나 샤워시설 등을 갖추고 때를 미는 곳이고, 찜질방은 온돌이나 뜨거운 숯으로 데운 방에서 땀을 빼며 몸 속의 노폐물을 제거하는 곳이예요. 목욕탕 is a place for exfoliating bodies with facilities like hot pools and shower instruments, and 찜질방 is a place.for detoxification through perspiration with rooms heated by ondol(hot floor) or hot charcoals.
December 29, 2014
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