Come si traduce in inglese? ha mostrato il rischio di un travaso nella regione balcanica del difficile confronto il contesto: In particolare, la posizione russa su EUFOR ha mostrato il rischio di un travaso nella regione balcanica del difficile confronto tra Mosca e Bruxelles sull'Ucraina
Jan 26, 2015 11:10 AM
Answers · 1
As it's written it means nothing. If we had some commas and becomes: "In particolare, la posizione russa su EUFOR ha mostrato il rischio di un travaso, nella regione balcanica, del difficile confronto tra Mosca e Bruxelles sull'Ucraina" The phrase remains a bit weird because of the word "travaso" (moving a liquid from a container/bottle to another). A translation that is probably not accurate in every word but is correct in general meaning is: "In particular the russian position on EUFOR has shown the risk of moving, to the balcanian region, the difficult confrontation between Moscow and Bruxells" Probably the translation of "confronto" with confrontatio is the biggest defect of this translation as "confronto" does not necessarily imply a conflictual situation in Italian.
January 27, 2015
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