ます stem + きる and あう I came across these two words today 「収まりきらない」 「鬩ぎあう」 I think I understand them but I just want a little confirmation or explanation. きる added means a complete action, like てしまう without the regret? And would 「鬩ぎあう」 be something like 'to meet to quarrel', as in meeting together for the sake of arguing?
Jan 27, 2015 11:24 AM
Answers · 1
収まりきらない It is too large and has not been settled. せめぎあう=(両者の)力が拮抗していて、勝敗がなかなか付かない。 Both power has rivaled and victory or defeat do not decide easily.
January 28, 2015
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