We are driving? Can you say " we are driving" in Italian or would that be incorrect? In English we say we are driving to the next city over when clearly only one person is actually doing the driving. In Hungarian, however, you would not say " we are driving to Dallas " unless there is literally more than one driver involved ( drivers taking turns driving or mire than one car ). How do you use the verb "guidare " in italian? Thank you
Feb 24, 2015 11:11 PM
Answers · 14
Dimenticavo, ma MOLTO importante. Attenzione a come guidiamo noi italiani! Molti di noi pensano che il limite di velocita` non sia quello della strada, cioe` dei cartelli, ma quello della propria automobile, quindi molto piu` elevato!
February 24, 2015
In Italian /to drive the car/ means exactly this: -- to steer the wheel, to push the pedals, to start and stop the engine, to choose the correct way at crossroads or bifurcations. There is no implied meaning of a journey. It is not ok to say: - stiamo guidando {a,per} Firenze occasionally you could use: -- stiamo guidando verso Firenze menaing the direction of the travel, but usually it will be: -- stiamo andando a Firenze. Or, it could be used as in: -- ho guidato fino a Milano, ti va di guidare un po` tu adesso? Here the meaning is the action, the effort of 'driving', not the travel. The verb /guidare/ has another meaning: /to lead/, /to be the leader/, /to show the way/. Esempio: -- Voglio un gran bene a mio zio Ugo, e` stato la mia guida negli anni di studio. (he showed me the path, the way)
February 24, 2015
It's more common: " Stiamo andando a Dallas." If you want, you can add: "Stiamo andando a Dallas in macchina".
February 26, 2015
E cosi` vorresti una guida su come si usa il verbo guidare? Spero che tu abbia una o piu` buone risposte.
February 24, 2015
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