What is the different between"the other"or "another”?
Feb 27, 2015 1:20 PM
Answers · 3
'Another' is used for singular objects. 'Other' is used for plural objects. 'Others' is used for a single object from within a group of objects. http://www.grammar.cl/english/another-other-others.htm
February 27, 2015
another = an+other --> I don't like this village. Let's go to another place. the other --> I think this book is boring. The other book is much better.
February 27, 2015
"Another" is just "an other" written as one word, so this is really a question about the difference between "the" and "a". If that doesn't help, then you might want to read these: http://www.elementalenglish.com/the-a-an-articles/ http://www.grammarly.com/handbook/grammar/articles/
February 27, 2015
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