팔끕 vs 팔꿈치 안녕하세요~ 태권도 어휘 안에 몇 번 "elbow = 팔끕" 읽었어요 (예를 들어서 근데 사전에 보면 "팔꿈치"만 있는데요. 팔끕도 팔꿈치도 말해도 돼요? 그리고 태권도 하면 뭘 말해도 돼요? 감사합니다
Feb 27, 2015 4:21 PM
Answers · 2
We usually say elbow is 팔꿈치! I think in 태권도 they said striking elbow is called 팔꿉치기 instead of 팔꿈치 치기.(팔꿉 is like adjective of 팔꿈치. But it's not adjective. I just said to understand easier that explanation.) So, that homepage wrote 팔꿉.. In my opinion.. So if you wanna say elbow, it's 팔꿈치 And if you wanna say striking elbow, you can say 팔꿉치기
February 27, 2015
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