what is the difference between ведет и уведет
Feb 27, 2015 4:45 PM
Answers · 4
ВЕДЕТ - глагол несовершенного вида. Передает незаконченное действие или действие в процессе. Например: Он ВЕДЕТ мать по улице. - He is leading his mother along the street. УВЕДЕТ - глагол совершенного вида. Придает действию законченность, завершенность. Например: Он УВЕДЕТ мать домой. - He will have lead his mother home.
February 27, 2015
The word "ведет" has lots of different meanings and usages. The word "уведет" is more specific, and you use it only when want to say that someone / something will take someone / something away from one place to another.
February 28, 2015
The first is like Present Simple/Past Simple. The second one is like Future Simple.
February 27, 2015
ВЕДЕТ (vi'dyot) means (it)LEADS/ УВЕДЕТ (uvi'dyot) means (it) WILL LEAD(or TAKE) AWAY
February 27, 2015
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