Can you translate these for me? 1. The piles of books stretched endlessly into the horizon. 2. It can be inferred that... 3. The gears grinded against each other. 4. Are you having fun jumping off cliffs? 5. I'll need four of you to weave the rug. 6. We only have a limited number of calculators. 7. Personally, science is the right class to keep; the others, we can just throw out. 8. It's a book written by murderers to get you to become an easy target. 9. That's the only thing you're allowed to work on after the test. 10. Don't fight over something so stupid. 11. What's happening that's preventing us from becoming great at this skill? 12. That's the only thing you're are allowed to do after the test. 13. It could be worse, you could still be trying to learn Chinese by rote, even after all these years.
Mar 2, 2015 9:21 PM
Answers · 2
2. It can be inferred that...可以这样推断…… 4. Are you having fun jumping off cliffs?你觉得蹦极有趣吗? 5. I'll need four of you to weave the rug. 我需要你们其中的4个来编制地毯-by dictionary 6. We only have a limited number of calculators.我们只有很少的计算器 7. Personally, science is the right class to keep; the others, we can just throw out. 就个人而言,科学是需要一种敬畏的态度,否则就丢弃他(不要学他)---i'm not sure about this. 8. It's a book written by murderers to get you to become an easy target.这是一本谋杀犯写的书,让你成为一个更容易下手的目标.---i'm not sure about this,just take it expression of literature. 9. That's the only thing you're allowed to work on after the test.---你在测试以后唯一允许做的事是继续工作。 10. Don't fight over something so stupid.---不要在争论这些愚蠢的事情。 11. What's happening that's preventing us from becoming great at this skill?---是什么原因(技能)防止/阻止 我们变得更加伟大? 12. That's the only thing you're are allowed to do after the test.---那是你在测试以后唯一允许做的事。 13. It could be worse, you could still be trying to learn Chinese by rote, even after all these years.---即使过了很多年,你继续采用生搬硬套/死记硬背的方法来学习英文,这很糟糕。
March 3, 2015
March 3, 2015
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