Are these sentences and their translations correct, and can they be used in spoken Chinese? 1. 我上学到九点 2. 他为食物而生存。 3. 我给你们吵得早晨三点才睡着。 4. 我有这块手机已经有四年了。 5. 正是我们所说的。That's precisely what we said. 6. 就是我们所说的。That's precisely what we said. 7. 把。。。写下来。 8. 别喊我!Don't yell at me! 9. 移动作为。 10. 你给我们腾出更多的地方来跳鸡舞了。You cleared out more space for us to do the chicken dance. 11. 你因患有黑死病被(自我)隔离。 12. 那是考完试以后你们唯一允许做的事。That's the only thing you're allowed to do after the test. 13. 老师给中文班考试。The teacher had the Chinese class take a test. 14. 我坐在大概这里。I sit at approximately this location.
Mar 7, 2015 4:10 AM
Answers · 3
1.我上课到九点or我到九点下课or我到九点放学 3.我被你们吵得(凌晨)三点才睡着。 4.我已经用这部手机四年了or这部手机我已经有了四年。 5.6.正/就是我们说的那样。 8.别吼我!or 别对我大喊大叫。 9.what's the meaning of 移动作为? 11.你因患有黑死病被隔离。“被”和“自我”不能同时使用。 14.我大概坐在这个位置/地方。 all of them can be used in spoken Chinese
March 7, 2015
有的不准确,基本上都可以用作口语。Some of them aren't appropriate and they can be used in spoken Chinese.
March 7, 2015
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