Is funów meaning funtowy in Polish? Here is example I found the word in: - Dostałem tiket na 50 funów! - Co za ACABy z tych kapów. FYI, All Cops Are Bustards;b
Mar 26, 2015 5:37 AM
Answers · 7
"Co za ACABy z tych kapów." - I think "kapy" is just "police":) You know "cop/cops". I think so.
March 27, 2015
It looks like a mix of Polish and English. Dostałem tiket na 50 funów (it should be "funtów" here I believe)-> The correct version would be: Dostałem mandat na 50 funtów. It can be translated to: I've got a £50 ticket. "Funt" (in English the pound sterling) is the British currency
March 26, 2015
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