when to pronounce ㄷ as a T and D?? and how to say? 안녕히세요 I'm confused!! when should I pronounce ㄷas a T and when should I pronounce it as a D ???? and how to say these!! - this month is going by so slow - I can't wait for summer vacation.. There's so much to look forward to. - I'm such a bad cook, My poor future kid!! sorry - I actually really love going to the supermarket ... is that weird? - l love travelling so much!! - why is it so hard to live a normal life here? - I wanna go on a camping trip so bad!! 여러분 감사합니다
Mar 29, 2015 3:57 PM
Answers · 5
You should always pronounce ㄷ as ㄷ. The Latin letters d and t and the matching English sounds do not reflect Korean pronunciation. Don't worry about Romanization or thinking about things in English. They are two very different languages with very different sounds. SOUND CHANGES ASSOCIATED WITH ㄷ : When ㅎ follows it, it will sound like ㅌ. ("Like t") When ㄷ is 받침, it will sound like ㄸ. ("Like d") Any other time, ㄷ is a unique sound not able to be expressed by d or t.
March 29, 2015
I really like traveling. 저는 여행하는 것을 정말 좋아해요.
March 31, 2015
March 31, 2015
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