"Me too "me neither" "me either" "also I" Could someone explain how to say that I think or I do the same as another person? I make such a lot of mistakes about it, I need help.
Mar 31, 2015 3:39 PM
Answers · 2
"Me too!" when you agree with their likes/actions. "Me neither!" (or "Nor me!") when you agree with their dislikes. Forget about your other options.
March 31, 2015
"I like popsicles." -Me too! (more direct response to a statement) "I don't like rude people."-Me neither! (more direct response to a statement) "I don't believe in slavery." "I don't think they should raise taxes." Nor I! (more of a detached agreement) "Me either" is not used along with "also I". Use the first three examples and you should be good!
March 31, 2015
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