Come trovare un kanji nel dizionario? Sto provando a leggere un testo troppo complesso per le mie conoscenze e mi sfugge come fare a cercare i kanji nel dizionario. Se conosco la lettura del kanji in quel particolare contesto, nessun problema, ma se la lettura non è indicata? Non credo sia possibile cercarlo per "disegno", ad occhio. Sul web basta fare copia-incolla, ma se il testo è su carta, come lo cerco? I giapponesi come fanno se non conoscoo un kanji e la lettura non è indicata? Dove lo cercano? Grazie.
Apr 21, 2015 11:18 AM
Answers · 7
Kanjis have "radical" which is 部首[ぶしゅ] in Japanese to to classify kanji. For example: 村、桜、板、梢、機 … all have 木 雨、雪、雲、雷、雹 … all have 雨 門、間、関、閃、問 … ll have 門 Also we count the strokes of the kanji, for example, 桜 has 10 strokes. So we can find its radical and strokes. However, now we can copy and past the kanji on goole to find how to read it and what it means. Please try. (For the learners, there are some apps like "rikai-kun / rikai-chan" to know how to read the kanji with its meaning.) I hope this was helpful.
April 21, 2015
Oh, I understood wrong! I'll answer this question, please wait a while.
April 21, 2015
こんいちは。I'd like to know how japanese do to search a new kanji in a dictionary: if you encounter a kanji that you don't know and there are no furigana to explain how the kanji have to be pronounced... how do you search it? I can search kanji in a dictionary using the it's japanese reading and sorting order, but without the reading I can't scan the whole dictionary to find a kanji that looks the part :) Thanks!
April 21, 2015
Ciao. I understand Italian very little. Do you want to know wether it is OK if you write the letter only in hiragana?
April 21, 2015
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