박희섭(Heesob Park)
What is the meaning of "үг чиггүй" I saw a sentence. Амьтан хүн оршин суудаг газраас алсын алсад үхлийн ирмэг дээр байгаа болохоор үг чиггүй өврөөсөө цаас үзгээ гаргав. What is the meaning of "үг чиггүй"?
May 2, 2015 2:55 PM
Answers · 1
Literal translation is "without a word". It means "without saying anything" or "without having something else to do/say". If I were to translate the sentence to English, I'd have said "he did nothing but took the pen and paper out of his breast pocket because ..."
May 2, 2015
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