traduzione frase dall'italiano all'inglese Mi potete aiutare a tradurre questa frase in inglese per favore? "Con questo video volevi affrontare le problematiche più serie di cui soffrono gli adolescenti ai giorni d'oggi?"
May 4, 2015 7:54 AM
Answers · 3
'In this video did you want to deal with the more serious problems affecting teenagers these days ? ' 'Affrontare' implies taking some action to deal with the issues, as opposed to simply portraying [showing] them : 'to deal with' allows both of these understandings, as does 'to face (up to)' : 'In this video did you want to face the more serious problems affecting teenagers these days ? ' 'In this video did you want to face up to the more serious problems affecting teenagers these days ? ' The word 'face' can be used in the sentence as follows : 'In this video did you want to deal with the more serious problems facing teenagers these days ? ' You can see that the expressions used in both parts of the sentence are similar.
May 4, 2015
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