Professional Teacher
How would I give these commands to children students? I am an activity teacher and I want to be able to give these commands to students in Mandarin. I am not sure how to say them... 1.Sit down and be quiet 2.Sit down and listen for your name 3.Make a line 4.Stand behind the yellow line 5.Move back, don’t come closer! 6. Budge up (ke4long2?) 7. You have to choose an activity. There are limited spaces. 8. You must follow the rules, if you don't, you will be punished
May 5, 2015 12:21 AM
Answers · 6
1.Sit down and be quiet 坐下,保持安静 2.Sit down and listen for your name 坐下,听你的名字 3.Make a line 站成一排 4.Stand behind the yellow line 站到黄线后面 5.Move back, don’t come closer! 往后退,别往前挤 6. Budge up (ke4long2?) 挪一下 7. You have to choose an activity. There are limited spaces. 你必须选择一项活动。容量有限 8. You must follow the rules, if you don't, you will be punished 你必须要遵守规则,否则你会遭受惩罚。
May 5, 2015
1.Sit down and be quiet 坐下来,请保持安静 2.Sit down and listen for your name 坐下来,仔细听你们的名字(or you can say another sentence 坐下来,现在开始点名了) 3.Make a line 站成一排 4.Stand behind the yellow line 站在安全线以内 / 站在黄线以内 5.Move back, don’t come closer! 往后退,不要靠太近 6. Budge up (ke4long2?) 让一下 / 挪一下(靠拢?) 7. You have to choose an activity. There are limited spaces. 你需要选择一项活动。这里空间有限。(Maybe my translation is not correct, it is not logical. It depends language environment) 8. You must follow the rules, if you don't, you will be punished 你必须遵守规则,不然的话你就要受处罚了。
May 6, 2015
7. You have to choose an activity. There are limited spaces.你必须选择一项活动,名额有限。
May 5, 2015
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