Future tense in korean? I find it sometimes hard to say something in the future tense , I would like to know the general rule please and also I would be thankfull if You could add some examples ! Thank you ^^
May 6, 2015 4:18 PM
Answers · 2
In Korean, probably one of the most important grammatical principles is ~는 것, wherein if you understand it, it should be the key, and I'm sure it was mine, to your near to complete understanding of the three, complicated-looking but simple tenses of the Korean language. The present tense, ~는 것, is the basis for creating future tenses in Korean, whether you're turning a sentence into a noun, or if you're ending your sentence there. The future tense of ~는 것 is ~ㄹ/을 것. This might be a bit confusing, but the usage of the ~는 것 principle is to turn a SENTENCE into a NOUN. I'll show you some present tense examples for now, before showing you some future tenses. ~는 것 제가 좋아하는 것은 딸기예요. ~ I like strawberries, lit. The thing I like is the strawberry. 엄마가 요리하는 게 맛있는 것 같아요. ~ I think mom is cooking something delicious, lit. I think the thing mom is cooking is delicious. 내 생일에 백범오빠가 나에게 주시는 것은 쓸모있는 거라면 좋겠어. I wish Baekbum gives me something useful on my birthday, lit. I wish the thing Baekbum is giving me on my birthday is useful. 미친 거니? Are you crazy? (I personally say this quite a lot, especially to my younger brotherㅋ) For the future tense, all you've got to do is change the ~는 것 to ~ㄹ/을 것, ~ㄹ 것 when your sentence ends with a vowel, ~을 것 when your sentence ends with a consonant. ~ㄹ/을 것 아빠가 만들 것을 기다리고 있다. I am waiting for what my dad is going to make, lit. I am waiting for the thing that dad is going to make. 친구처럼 널 가장 편하게 만들 거야. Like a friend, I will make you most comfortable. (Disclaimer: This is a line from a Korean song, thought it would make a good example.) 저는 할머니께 선물을 주실 거예요. I will give Grandma a gift, lit. I am the thing that will give Grandma a gift (which does not make sense at all). I hope this helped, and I'm really sorry if it's kind of confusing and for saying off-topic things. 굿럭~^^
May 6, 2015
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