박희섭(Heesob Park)
What is the meaning of өгөхсөн ? Here are sentences from a book. Хэрэв таны соёрхол яг л ёсчлон дагуулахыг хүсдэг юм бол надад их л ухаалаг тушаал өгөхсөн. Жишээлбэл: нэг минутын дотор яв гэж надад тушаах сан. Миний бодоход, боломжтой нөхцөл гэдэг чинь тэр... What is the meaning of өгөхсөн ? I guess it is a typo because I could not find it in some dictionaries.
May 16, 2015 1:54 PM
Answers · 5
It is not a typo. In that sentence, "өгөхсөн" means "would give." It is saying "If ........, then you *would give* me a very clever order." And same for "тушаахсан" - would order.
May 16, 2015
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