怎么提高HSK5级阅读速度? 速度很慢,请教一下!
May 21, 2015 6:28 AM
Answers · 8
你好,你目前是准备考HSK5级吗?如果是这样,请你尝试着读一下我的汉语回复,如果有问题还可以再问我。我根据自己的想法,学习了其他学者论文中的观点,给你提出下列建议: 一、养成良好的阅读习惯 (一)改掉不良的阅读习惯 1. 过分依赖词典 2.朗读,默读和边指边读 3.被难点束缚 4.按照阅读方式的速度差异 大部分的文章要求通读,除此之外,还包括找特定部分的内容然后读的“查读”,把内容答案读一 下的“略读”,进一步读后边的内容的“跳读”。 (二)培养正确的阅读习惯 主要是猜测能力的培养和概括文章主要意思的培养,可以用何时”、“何地”、“何人”、 “何事”、 “为什么”、“怎么样”这六点来概括。 二、扩大词汇量 三、合理安排做题时间和做题顺序 有的题目可以先看题干,然后做题,一般适用于题干较短的内容;而对于题干较长的内容,可以先看题目和备选答案,再看题干,这样可以节省时间,也可以跳读与问题无关的内容。 四、多阅读,扩大知识面
May 21, 2015
May 22, 2015
скорость чтения равна скорости знания слов, значит слова "медленно знаете"... нужны списки слов для ХСК-5 и отработка до автоматизма... ну и правильная технология сдачи экзамена ;)
May 22, 2015
1 Avoid sounding out the words in your head. Many people sound out the words as they read -- either by moving their lips or hearing the words in their head. This is known as sub-vocalization and is one of the major problems that affects your reading speed. 2 Avoid reading word-by-word. Another common practice which slows down reading speed hugely is the practice of reading each individual word separately. Instead, you should try to read in chunks. 3 Overcome inefficient eye movement. When children learn how to read, they are taught to look at each word individually before moving onto the next. However, your eyes are capable of taking in much more than a single word at a time -- up to four or five, in fact -- so this practice makes reading a lot less efficient.
May 21, 2015
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