it´s a show In Spanish we say " it is a show to see them " meaning , it was a wonderful experience to see them, we enjoyed it very much ( this particular case referring to watching eagles flying nearby) I wondered if it made sense in English and if not , what would you say instead. THank you very much
May 22, 2015 8:22 PM
Answers · 3
'It was a show to see them' doesn't mean anything in English - unfortunately, the expression doesn't translate directly. You'd say 'It was wonderful to see them'. If you really want a noun to put in the space 'It was a ............ to see them', you could maybe use 'joy' or 'delight'.
May 22, 2015
What is the Spanish sentence? It was great/fantastic to see them. It was a pleasure to see them. Ha sido un placer a verles.
May 27, 2015
In addition to Su.Ki's suggestions you could say 'it was quite a show' or 'it was quite a performance' to show that you really enjoyed an event.
May 22, 2015
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