Help me! Fill the gaps in these sentences, using a prefix with the correct form of the root word on the right. The first is done as an example. Example: I was late because I ...UNDERESTIMATED... (estimate) how much time I need. 2. He wrote the book along, so he doesn't have a ........ (author). 3. It's very rude to interrupt someone in........... (sentence). 4. Most people who work feel that they are............. (pay). 5. She's having a rest because she has been .............(work). 6. I'd lost my key so I couldn't ......UNLOCK......the door when I got home. (lock) 7. We have ...............temperatures every night in.............. (zero - winter). 8. People who ................often become.....OVERWEIGHT...(eat - weight) 9. You can go this way until the fllood .........(side) 10. Even if you're good at a game, you shouldn't be.......UNCONFIDENT... (confident). P.s: I tried to do some. Correct my anwers if it were wrong, please! Thanks!
May 23, 2015 10:41 AM
Answers · 2
2. He wrote the book ALONE, so he doesn't have a CO-author 3. It's very rude to interrupt someone in THE MIDDLE OF A sentence 4. Most people who work feel that they are UNDERPAID 5. She's having a rest because she has been OVERWORKED 6. I've lost my key so I couldn't UNLOCK the door when I got home 7. We have BELOW ZERO temperatures every night in WINTER or THE MIDDLE OF winter (zero - winter). 8. People who OVEREAT often become OVERWEIGHT...(eat - weight) 9. You can go this way until the flood SUBSIDES (side) 10. Even if you're good at a game, you shouldn't be OVERCONFIDENT (confident).
May 23, 2015
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