Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps in these sentences, using the correct form of the root words given. 1. I enjoy the book very much because it was so ..READABLE... (read). 2. His ......knowledge is very poor - he thinks Paris is in Italy (geography). 3. His hair is..... , not bright red. (red). 4. A very old car is usually a(n)........car (rely). 5. The engineer gave the house a thorough, .......check-up before my father bought it. (comprehend). 6. The .....desk was quiet .......and impossible to carry (mass - bulk) 7. Our girl's volleyball squad was...... over a taller team (victory). 8. We were .......of the conflict between the two parties. 9. The president made people aware of the need to be more.........(economy). 10. The shop has a sale on only a........ selection of its winter clothers. (part)
May 24, 2015 3:10 PM
Answers · 2
I don't like this kind of question because it almost seems as if I am being asked to do a complete homework exercise. It would be better if you tried to answer for yourself and asked us to check your answers--and better to ask just one question at a time. For #3, the answer is "reddish." For #7, "victorious."
May 24, 2015
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Write down your questions and let the native speakers help you!