Help me understand these xiangsheng lines 领导这次可动真格的了,就是为了让我们提意见。"Getting real" to let us make complaints? 他舅 你就是跟你妹妹结晶那个他舅。 你别叫了中不中 有着丰富社会经验的人说的话吧。 当时,他假惺惺地跟我说“累吗” 我说”累。“----开了他 做这么重的活都不累。肯定是偷赖来的。 他问我”累不累?” 我说"累也不累“ 他说”又累又不累,肯定是三天捕鱼两天晒网来的呀。It's funny, but I don't get the joke. 一个傻子怎么能要哇。 他绝不能听见别人问他累不累。他一听呀,条件反射。
May 27, 2015 8:55 PM
Answers · 1
关于”动真格“: About getting real to make people complaint: usually there is a dilemma for us Chinese - when your boss ask you whether you have something to complaint or whether he/she has something wrong, he/she did not mean it. It's just a gesture for generosity and the employee should be thankful about it. We all know this is quite wrong, however it is often brought up to pique some sort of black humor that the bold and honest employee make real complaints and get back luck. In this context, when sometimes (also quite often) a leader truly wants to hear some feedback or some advice, what he/she must do is much more than just ask. In fact, it's quite an art to extract real information from communication. I guess it's the same all over the world. The word "get real", in this context, suggest its seriousness, even forcefulness subtly ------ 我猜你可能没有听到完整的台词,现在上面的台词明显有着顺序上的问题。根据语义,我猜是这样的: I guess you may not have heard the lines in whole and may have put the ones you heard in wrong order. Here is my guess A ask the employee B whether the work is exhausting: B says yes A thinks B is ... (a complainer?? information missing) and then B got fired A ask B the same question again B says no A thinks B is a dumb-ass: how can one hire a dumb-ass? B got fired again A ask B the same question the third time: B says "yes but also no" A thinks B as someone not focused on his work and not working hard B got fired again (T-T) the last sentence 他绝不能听见别人问他累不累。他一听呀,条件反射。 I guess 他 is the B person who is now not able to be asked whether his job is exhausting - as he has been a little bit traumatized. Also, the point are from the dilemma.
May 27, 2015
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