Big numerals in Spanish (over 100 and 1000) - what do they look like? I haven't come across big numerals in Spanish yet, however I need to use them. I can count from 0 to 100, but I need to know how to say 500, 600, 700 etc., and numerals over 1000 + the dates (e.g. 1989). Please, help.
May 29, 2015 11:40 AM
Answers · 2
In Spanish the number 100 CIEN, so When you want to create numbers formed by 100, you say "CIENTO" (in plural you say: CIENTOS) and the number For example, if you want say "114", you will need to say: CIENTO (100) catorce (14) = CIENTO CATORCE (114) or 356 = (TRES (3) CIENTOS (100) 3x100= 300) (CINCUENTA (50)) Y ( SEIS (6)= TRECIENTOS CINCUENTA Y SEIS. 999 = (NOVE (FOR THE "NUEVE" (9) CIENTOS (100) 9X100= 900) (NOVENTA (90) Y (NUEVE (9))= NOVECIENTOS NOVENTA Y NUEVE and in spanish the numer 1,000 is "MIL", so, it's the same 1989 ( MIL (1000)) (NOVECIENTOS (900)) (OCHENTA (80)) Y (NUEVE (9))= MIL NOVECIENTOS OCHENTA Y NUEVE. 4576 (CUATRO (4) MIL (1000) 4X1000= 4000)) (QUIN (5) IENTOS (100) 5X100= 500) (SETENTA (70)) Y (SEIS (6))= CUATRO MIL QUINIENTOS SETENTA Y SEIS.
May 30, 2015
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