How to say: "It was so ~~ that ~~~" What grammar would be used to say sentences like these: 1. It was SO cold THAT I wore three layers of clothing. 2. I was SO tired THAT I went to bed super early. 3. He wrote SO well THAT his teacher thought he was cheating. 4. The movie was SO good THAT I went to see it again. If there is also a more natural and colloquial way to use this grammar, that would be great too! Thank you ^-^
Jul 26, 2015 7:00 PM
Answers · 2
1. It was SO cold THAT I wore three layers of clothing. 날이 너무 추워서 옷을 세겹이나 입었어요. 2. I was SO tired THAT I went to bed super early. 너무 피곤해서 아주 일찍 잠자리에 들었어요. 3. He wrote SO well THAT his teacher thought he was cheating. 그가 글을 너무 잘 써서 선생님은 그가 부정행위를 했다고 생각했어요. 4. The movie was SO good THAT I went to see it again. 그 영화가 아주 좋아서 다시 보러 갔어요. Quoted from so ~ that... 너무/아주 ~해서 ...(하다) 라는 뜻인데, 회화에서도 많이 쓰기 때문에 뜻만 외우지 말고, 영작을 통해 학습하세요. 단계별로 천천히 문장을 만들어 보면 어렵지 않게 누구나 할 수 있습니다. 그럼 출발~ I'm handsome. 나는 잘생겼다. You're nice. 당신은 나이스하다. He's tired. 그는 피곤하다. He has much money. 그는 많은 돈이 있다. 이제 so(너무/아주)를 형용사 앞에 붙여봐요. I'm so handsome. 나는 너무 잘생겼다. You're so nice. 당신은 너무 나이스하다. He's so tired. 그는 너무 피곤하다. He has so much money. 그는 너무 많은 돈이 있다. 그 다음은 that을 뒤에 붙이고, I'm so handsome that... 나는 너무 잘생겨서... You're so nice that... 당신은 너무 나이스해서... He's so tired that... 그는 너무 피곤해서... He has so much money that... 그는 너무 많은 돈이 있어서(돈이 너무 많아서)... 마지막으로 앞말의 결과에 해당하는 문장을 집어넣어 봅니다. I'm so handsome that everybody loves me. 나는 너무 잘생겨서 모든 사람들이 나를 사랑한다. You're so nice that I want to kiss you. 당신은 너무 나이스해서 나는 당신에게 뽀뽀하고 싶다. He's so tired that he can't get up. 그는 너무 피곤해서 일어날 수 없다. He has so much money that he can buy anything. 그는 돈이 너무 많아서 아무거나 살 수 있다. 이해되죠? 그럼, 작문해 보세요. 1. 그녀는 너무 바빠서 올 수 없어. She's so busy that she can't come. 2. 그는 너무 열심히 일해서 항상 피곤하다. He works so hard that he's always tired.
July 27, 2015
These are grammatically correct! If you're looking for more ways to say them, however, you have some different options: 1) It was so cold, I had to wear three layers of clothing. 2) It was so cold; I wore three layers of clothing. You can also switch it around and add because: 3) I wore three layers of clothing because it was so cold. 4) I went to bed super early because I was tired. Hope this helps!
July 26, 2015
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