What the rule Example : På hösten läser  vi böker För ögonblicket arbetar jag I don't understand when I have to put the verbs before jag or vi or du what is the role here
Aug 12, 2015 9:02 PM
Answers · 1
The principal verb always takes second position in a simple sentence! The first place in the clause can be occupied by almost anything. Usually the subject takes that position. The subject always stands together with the principal verb, either immediately before or immediately after. Adverbial phrases, if there are any, come after subject + principal verb (or after principal verb + subject). Note: A simple sentence has the next structure: Fundament(or subjekt) + Verb1+ Subjekt + Satsadverb + Verb 2, 3, osv, + Partikel +Komplemet(Objekt) + Adverbial(Plats/Tid)
August 12, 2015
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