What's the difference between these verbs? BeszélBeszélget
Aug 23, 2015 11:31 AM
Answers · 1
Beszél means - speak/sprechen, reden (there is often an aim to "beszél" with someone, it often implies a more serious talk about a certain topic) Beszélget means - chat/sich unterhalten, plaudern (it's often a (longer) dialogue between friends, acquaintances etc about various topics.) Examples for "beszél": A tanár földrajzórán a tengerekről beszélt. (The teacher spoke about the seas in Geography lesson). Beszélni fogok a főnökömmel! (I will speak/talk to my boss). Examples for "Beszélget" Tegnap órákon át beszélgettem a barátnőmmel. ( I was chatting/talking to my girlfriend for hours yesterday.) Jó lenne megint beszélgetni! (It would be good to chat/talk again!)
August 23, 2015
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