박희섭(Heesob Park)
What is the meaning of "فكن "? What is the meaning of "فكن " in the following sentence? مهما كان صغيرًا فكن على يقين من أنّ عشبه يكفيه فإني أعطيتك خروفًا على غاية من الصغر What is the grammatical conjugation of فكن ?
Aug 25, 2015 3:09 PM
Answers · 5
1) The word (ف) connects the first sentence to the second as a response (ف + كن على يقين). 2) (كن) is the verb (كان) = (to be) conjugated with the imperative. كن على يقين= Be sure 4) اليقين= certainty 3) مهما = whatever/ even if.... whatever small, be sure....OR /Even if it is small, be sure ...!
August 25, 2015
whatever it was small be for sure/certain that its own grass would be enough . because , I had given you a very small sheep . but , I think it should be a little which means قليلاً in Arabic . because grammatically the sentence is wrong ! be = كن for certain = على يقين another example : be patient = كن صبوراً
August 25, 2015
كُنْ = Be
August 25, 2015
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