Hello! Please help mewith editing of this text. I need to find and correct all the mistakes... During the picking of the order #99224 for BAY 59-7939/15786 kit with damaged tamper seal was found. Dispatch request was postponed after the detection, whereupon employees in charge were informed and the kit was moved to the quarantine area. In order to identify the root cause the following actions were taken: 1) The incoming documents examination was organized. No visible discrepancies from the procedure during physical verification were identified. 2) The check of the medications storage area was organized. It was determined that the protecting labels were damaged during the picking of the medication due to the compact fit of the medications to each other. Root cause Based on the results of the investigation the following root cause was identified: The cause of breakage of the tamper seal was determined as closely packed medications in the box. Corrective action:
Aug 28, 2015 7:45 AM
Answers · 2
To give you a clue, the main grammatical issue is the correct use of articles "the / a/ an". Also, this could be expressed better : ..."the compact fit of the medications to each other." This is because "compact" has a positive meaning.
August 28, 2015
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