idiom What is this idiom's meaning? Make sth up
Aug 29, 2015 11:00 AM
Answers · 4
"Make something up" ~compensate for something lost, missed, or deficient.
August 29, 2015
The most common meaning is to invent something, such as a story, or tell a lie 'She wanted to get him in trouble so she made up a story about him stealing her car'. I didn't have a recipe, so I made something up'. It can also be to compensate - I didn't do enough hours at work this week, so I had to make it up by working late on friday.
August 29, 2015
'make somthing up' is to make a story .excuse or anything that you can use as a reason or as an answer even though it may not be correct or true. Eg . Im afriad my mum will scold me for being late so i just made something up as an excuse
August 29, 2015
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