The use of "due"? Thanks in advance What the specific use of word due? There is so many meanings. Could you please explain and give some exemple used frequetly by native speakers?
Sep 1, 2015 3:18 AM
Answers · 10
due就是一个引导词,类似中文中的因为。通常是引导出一个结果的原因。就跟今天天气太糟糕,所以我没法开车。如果用due应该是 I can not drive my car due to the bad weather. 以上是我个人见解。如果要不明白在听听其他人意见吧。 这词有很多相应的代替,比如cause,because.只不过在学术文章中体现的比较正规,算是正规术语吧。如果你不是考雅思什么的这词用处应该算很小,或者做演讲什么的。托福可能用的都少,我一度认为这次算英国专用...
September 1, 2015
To help you learn better, why don't we do this: you look up a dictionary and write the different definitions here. Then we shall write examples based on the definitions you put forward. Would you like to do that?
September 1, 2015
Yes, I recognize there are problems in my question. I should reflect. Even in a hurry, I should not make so many errors. Thanks for your advice, but the word "due" is frequently used in many situations. So I just want to make clear what the exact meaning by using due.
September 25, 2015
Wow,six problems in her questions. I have just found three...
September 2, 2015
September 1, 2015
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