「ゆるキャラ」の「ゆるい」の意味はなんですか I looked it up and it seems that 「ゆるキャラ」came from 「ゆるゆるキャラクター」,but I don't understand what 「ゆるい」means here. お返事よろしくお願いします。
Sep 2, 2015 1:14 PM
Answers · 3
Really good question :) "ゆる" comes from "ゆるい" which means ”loose” or "casual" The opposite of "ゆるい" is ”きつい” which means "strict" or "tight" or "formal". Think about their looking. They don't look like formal, classy, and sophisticated looking. They look more like casual, harmless, and friendly looking. That's the idea of "ゆる" or "ゆるい"!!
September 3, 2015
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