Sorlarım var / yardımçı olabilen var mı? Bununla pek de uzaklardan gelmiş olamazsın zaten - gelmiş olamazsın what does it mean? duymazliktan gelmek -what does it mean? thanks!
Oct 5, 2015 12:49 AM
Answers · 2
I'm a Turkish learner as well, so I defer to a native speaker's knowledge. That said: uzaklardan gelmiş olamazsın--you can't have come from very far. Breaking it into its parts-- gel-miş ol-a-maz-sın (root of 'come'-miş to show that something already occurred - root of 'be/become'- 'a' to show ability- 'maz' to show negation - 'sın' for second person singular informal. Verb + miş + ol(+ending) translates to 'have + past participle' in English. Although in this case I'm not sure if the writer is actually talking about coming from somewhere far. I have a feeling it might mean more. Duymazlıktan gelmek - pretend not to hear/ pretend not to have heard I hope this helps =)
October 5, 2015
You cant be coming from far away with that. (For example you can use this sentence when you see your friend arriving at your house with a flat tire) The opposite of that sentence can be "You must be coming from far away" meaning "Çok uzaklardan gelmiş olmalısın" (not exactly the opposite but gives the point). He came from far away. The action is finished. And now we are deducing, looking at the evidences or signs. Maybe there are lots of dead flies on his car window. Sınavdan bu notu alabilmek için çok çalışmış olmalısın = You must have worked very hard in order to get that grade from the exam. (The exam has passed. In fact even the grades are announced. We learn the grade of our friend, and maybe it is a very good grade or the exam was very difficult that there is a reason for us to believe that our friend worked hard for that.) duymazlıktan gelmek / duymazdan gelmek: pretend not to HEAR görmezlikten gelmek / görmezden gelmek: pretend not to SEE anlamazlıktan gelmek / anlamazdan gelmek: pretend not to UNDERSTAND
October 5, 2015
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