박희섭(Heesob Park)
What is the meaning of "دويّ ولا دويّ" ? What is the meaning of "دويّ ولا دويّ" in the following sentence? ومرّ قطار سريع يشع بالأنوار وله دويّ ولا دويّ الصواعق، فارتجّت غرفة العامل ارتجاجًا I know each word of that sentence, but I don't understand the structure of the sentence. What is the meaning of the whole sentence in English?
Oct 13, 2015 1:47 AM
Answers · 8
دويّ : صوت قوي جدا دويّ ولا دويّ الصواعق: صوت قوي جدا وكأنه صوت الصواعق ومرّ قطار سريع يشع بالأنوار وله دويّ ولا دويّ الصواعق، فارتجّت غرفة العامل ارتجاجًا: A fast train passed radiating with lights and has a very loud sound; as loud as thunderbolts and it shook the worker's room strongly.
October 13, 2015
let us first discuss "دويّ" "دويّ"=(literally means THE LOUD SOUND OF SOMETHING )and it's usually accompanied with echo for example: دويّ الطائرات = the loud sound of plane دويّ دويّ المصانع= the loud sound of factories دويّ السيارات=the loud sound of cars دويّ الصواعق= the loud sound of storms NOW. for the structure of the sentence ,this sentence is comparing one thing to another to show how much the first thing is huge. ومرّ قطار سريع يشع بالأنوار= a fast train with lights passed by وله دويّ=it(the train) has a loud sound ولا دويّ الصواعق= and if we want to compare the loud sound of storms to the loud voice of this train ,the result is that the loud voice of the train is more louder and stronger . له دويّ ولا دويّ الصواعق= it's loud sound exceeds the loud sound of storms another example: قابلت شخصا ذكي.ذكائه ولا ذكاء العلماء.فاستطاع أن يحل لي اللغز this sentence means ,I have met a clever person , his smartness exceeds the smartness of scholars .so he could solve me the mystique. another example : رأيت فتاة جميلة ,جمالها ولا جمال عارضات الأزياء I have seen a beautiful girl ,her beauty exceeds the beauty of Models ,Or she is more beautiful than Models ,
October 14, 2015
دوي : very loud sound (Thunder) دوي و لا دوي الصواعق = Its voice louder than lightning
October 14, 2015
دويّ ولا دويّ الصواعق: دويّ that even دوي الصواعق is not like it...... means "very strong".
October 13, 2015
دويّ ولا دويّ الصواعق: دويّ that even دوي الصواعق is not like it means "very strong".
October 13, 2015
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