Comment on dit en fraçais Differently from french, in which whe pronounce the syllable 'ou' as a single sound, in portugueses we pronounce the syllable 'ou' as two separate sounds 'o' + 'u'.
Nov 22, 2015 12:44 PM
Answers · 4
What is the question ? "Ou" is always 1 sound. If you want to say the U as one letter, you have tu put à "tréma" on the U : oü, aü, güe etc. Exemple : capharnaüm, ambigüe. But i dont know any word with oü. Maybe foreing words, from arabic or something.
November 22, 2015
A l' opposé du français, où l'on prononce la syllabe ' ou ' come un son unique, en portugais on prononce la syllabe ' ou ' comme deux sons 'o' et 'u' séparés.
November 22, 2015
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