How to express surprise (to a bad thing) in Chinese language? For example: 1. Shit, I forgot to turn off the oven at home! 2. OMG, I failed the test? 3. Damn, I guess I need to go on a diet again...
Nov 23, 2015 6:15 AM
Answers · 3
"哎呀" ,”完了“, ”糟糕“,”我的妈呀“, all of theses words are express a bad thing in Chinese.
November 25, 2015
1. 靠 2. 我的天啊 or just 天啊 3. 該死的 、天殺的,"damn" has a feeling of "curse" I think.
November 23, 2015
1. 糟了!我忘关炉子了! 2. 天呐!我考试没通过? 3. 真是的,看来又要节食了! 口语中类似的说法还有:唉哟!我靠!什么!不是吧!我去!啊呀!
November 23, 2015
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