내 생각에는과 동사는 것 같아요? what is really the difference between those two? both works as i think , but when should they be used? when should i use 내/재 생각에는, etc?
Nov 29, 2015 4:43 PM
Answers · 4
"내 생각에는" and "~는 것 같아요" - 내 생각에는 / 제 생각에는: I think... Relates what one thinks (fairly seriously). - ~는 것 같아요: It appears/seems... Expresses what one thinks or merely perceives. 내 생각에는 usually implies a judgment or idea while ~는 것 같아요 generally does not. So ~는 것 같아요 is used much more broadly than 내 생각에는, which sounds heavier. For example, 내 생각에는 is unnatural or too serious sounding for these examples. - 눈이 오려는 것 같아요: It looks like it will snow. - 쟤네들은 참 친하게 지내는 것 같다: They appear to be on very close terms. - 물가가 많이 오른 것 같아요: It seems prices have gone up a lot. ("오른 것" is past tense (or present perfect) as opposed to the present tense 오르는 것) "내 생각에는" examples: - 제 생각에는 엔진 문제 같은데요: It appears to be an engine problem to me. - 내 생각에는 이 정책은 잘못됐다: In my opinion, this policy is wrong.
November 29, 2015
내 생각에는 is Familiar form ( etc..friends ,younger person ,someone who familiar with..) etc) 내 생각에 그건 아닌 것 같아 제 생각에는 is Respect form (etc.. older person, not very friendly ,formal ,offical .....) etc) 제 생각에 그건 아닌 것 같습니다 hope my explanation makes sense to you
November 29, 2015
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