Autumnholic Pau
To Compare TO/WITH/AND I've seen the verb COMPARE followed by these three different propositions and I would like to know whether there's any difference among the use on them.
Dec 1, 2015 3:57 PM
Answers · 1
First, let me suggest a couple of corrections to your question: I've seen the verb COMPARE followed by these three different propositions and I would like to know whether there's any difference BETWEEN (not among) the use OF (not on) them. **************** The words 'to' and 'with' a prepositions (not propostions). The word 'and' is a conjunction. So, we cannot really compare a preposition to a conjunction because they have different uses, just like a verb has a different use compared to a noun. To 1. In the direction of:..............Turn to the right. 2. Destination:.......................I am going to Rome. 3. Until:.................................from Monday to Friday / five minutes to ten 4. Compared with:.................They prefer hockey to soccer 5. With indirect object:...........Please give it to me. 6. As part of infinitive:............I like to ski / he wants to help. 7. In order to:........................We went to the store to buy soap. With 1. Accompanying:.................He came with her / I have my keys with me. 2. Having; containing:...........Here is a book with a map of the island. 3. By means of; using:..........I repaired the shoes with glue. 4. Manner:...........................with pleasure / with ease / with difficulty 5. Because of:.....................We were paralyzed with fear. 'and' is a conjunction. Conjunctions are used to join: - 2 pronouns (you and I) - 2 nouns (Bill and Bob OR house and home) - 2 adjectives (big and small) - 2 adverbs (quickly and carefully) - 2 phrases (the house I live in and the church across the street) - 2 clauses (the food I eat and the price I pay) Now, when should we use 'compare to ...' and 'compare with'? Here is a good explanation: Hope this helps...
December 1, 2015
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