Could you give me some examples of onomatopoeia in japanese? Seems like there are a lot of onomatopoeias in japanese, such as "guru guru", "waku waku", "yura yura" and so on. And I wanted to know more of them.So so if you know some, please leave an answer here with the meaning/translation. Thank you~!
Nov 20, 2010 6:28 PM
Answers · 5
boko boko = (ground breaking) byuuuu = (wind blowing) doka doka = (kick kick) fugo fugo = (hm hm) fulu fulu = (tremble tremble) and many other in this link
November 20, 2010
I am gonna attach a scary story telling presented by Junji Inagawa who is famous for scary story teller in Japan . Count how many onomatopoeia did he use, if you are ok with scary story! ( His speaking is fast, and sometimes you might be difficult to understand, but enjoy how he use onomatopoedia and how does use action regarding to it.) Enjoy,or ready to be scared, maybe? lol
November 21, 2010
You can check this question, too.
November 20, 2010
わんわん woof woof, コケコッコー cock-a-doodle-doo, ズルズル、シュルシュル、ニョロニョロ slithering, チカチカ flickering, フワフワ fluffy... There are so many!
November 20, 2010
one of my favorite ones is ザーザー :D it's the sound of heavy rain :D
November 20, 2010
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