HOW do you navigate the Linguistic world of AI, CHARLATANS and PIRATES? Be careful out there: Unfortunately, (and increasingly) videos on youtube use AI generated voiceovers with terrible errors of pronunciation, syntax, emphasis, etc and the subtitles are mostly symantically meanigless, too, even for well produced content. And a large array of 'educational' websites that I visit for research and general interest present low quality texts, exercises or test papers which are incorrect in various ways, such as the way they phrase sentences, build syntax, suggest as appropriate forms of communication tone which are not, so. Look at the source: If the website is based in the UK, that would likley but not always be better than one from Spain, for example. Look at the publication date If you are considering buying textbooks (or using online versions to work towards exams) check for a recent date of publication/printing. Sometimes I have seen very old versions for sale. Also; believable, official-looking but pirated, printed books which are actually made from pre final-editing versions without a publication date, which implies the data files were stolen and distributed before the final checking was done and sold on to pitrates unaware and unconcerned about the errors. - Good luck.
Jun 9, 2024 12:10 PM
Do you think I am setting myself up for failure by setting such a lofty goal? Is this goal even feasible? Let me preface the rest of this question by apologizing in case this isn't the most suitable place for my question. I am 21 (soon 22) and love languages a great deal. I already speak 3 languages fluently (Hungarian (native language), English and German). I have recently taken an unofficial test in English to find out what my current level was and based on the results, I already have a C2, which is sort of surrealistic to me because my English isn't perfect and there's still room for improvement. But sorry for rambling on about some information about me. I'd really love to achieve the C2 level in four languages, namely English, French, Spanish, Mandarin. I know it's a very ambitious goal and might not even be achievable. Is anyone here who has a C2 in four languages? Should I perhaps only stick to English instead of spreading myself too thin?
Jun 9, 2024 9:28 AM
What is the difference between earlier and sooner? I have read some of the questions here that were asked by others here and I find it disconcerting that the answers are different. I am still confused. Some people say they are interchangeable in both past and present and future tenses: Train A arrived 5 minutes earlier/sooner than train B. Newspaper A published the article a day sooner/earlier than newspaper B. Person A got a promotion 2 months sooner/earlier than person B. I wish I had done that earlier/sooner. I will try to finish the report sooner/earlier to get off work sooner/earlier. Another school of thought among native speakers appears to be the idea that sooner cannot be used in past tenses, therefore it cannot be used in any of the sentences above and earlier should be used. Train A arrived 5 minutes earlier (not sooner) than train B. Newspaper A published the article a day earlier (not sooner) than newspaper B. Person A got a promotion 2 months earlier (not sooner) than person B I wish I had done that earlier (not sooner) I will try to finish the report sooner/earlier to get off work sooner/earlier. (Both work here according to those people because the sentence is in the present tense) Also, the same people who claim that sooner can't be used in past tenses say that earlier and sooner can be used interchangeably in future and present tenses. Train A is going to arrive 5 minutes sooner/earlier than Train B. Newspaper A is likely to publish the article a day earlier/sooner than newspaper B. If person A gets a promotion 2 months earlier/sooner than person B, person B might get a bit upset because they both work equally hard. I will try to finish the report sooner/earlier to get off work earlier/sooner. I am still confused and I don't know which school of thought to believe. I'd really appreciate it if someone could demystify the correct use of earlier and sooner. Maybe there are regional differences.
Jun 9, 2024 8:07 AM
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