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7 hours ago
HOW TO HIRE A HACKER TO RECOVER LOST BITCOIN / CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. Can I get my stolen or scammed Crypto back ? What is the best crypto recovery service? Is there any way to recover money from a scammer? Can I get my scammed crypto back? Cryptocurrency Scam Recovery // Recover Lost Funds // Crypto Investment Gone Wrong. How To  Hire A Hacker To Get Back  Stolen Crypto Coins // Hire A Hacker To Recover Lost Or Stolen Bitcoin/Nft  // Help I Can't Access My USDT Account, Seems I Got Hacked // Bitcoin Recovery Expert Needed// . Captain WebGenesis has a proven track record of successful Bitcoin recovery cases. They have a highly skilled and experienced team of experts who are well-versed in the latest techniques and technologies used by scammers. Captain WebGenesis utilizes advanced technology and techniques to recover lost Bitcoin, which sets them apart from other recovery experts. Their team is constantly updating their knowledge and skills to stay ahead of scammers and ensure they can recover lost Bitcoin for their clients.
7 hours ago
The following is a paragraph written by a native speaker telling what Chinese characters should be learnt , an excellent Chinese , grammatically correct but a bit more complex. Now I offer it here for Chinese learner students to learn , to absorb and to understand its correct meaning. Could you dare to "appreciate" it? (I am a native Chinese speaker) 学习科技知识即使自学也不担心"跑偏,走调",但是自学外语很可能为之。例如,尤其是凭借字典来学习汉语的生字,生词,自认为很优雅,学到了许多生词,但是有的许多字词压根就很不适用,甚至一辈子都无用!例如,一个老外感到这两个字的结构很有意思,也很"形像",便来到我面前显摆: 嗨,你认识"峣崅"这两个字吗?然后又给我来个成语:"峣峣易缺" ,把我弄的一脸懵逼,后来经过我查字典核对才知道这个字的意思,气的我真想"破口大骂": 你真是学跑偏了,走都走不好,反而还教我"邯郸学步"!,竟然对我"杞人忧天"了? 你这种学习的方法简直就是恶臭,粪土,自掘坟墓…… 所以,我提示: 作为外语(例如英语)自学者(不仅仅是自学者,正规学者也一样),应该找一本被英语母语者圈过的被认为是他通常用到的那些单词(包括习语)作为"有的放矢"的""工具书""去学习,省的走许多弯路(甚至累死也无功而返)。作为外国人学习汉语也不要指望在字典上自己感到很有趣的字而记忆背诵学习,也要学习被我们汉语母语者许可的通常用的字作为目标去学习去记忆。这才学而有用,这才"学而优则仕"。 (提示: 能看懂上述汉语的外国人,其汉语水平就相当的高了,如有问题,欢迎提问。)
9 hours ago
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