German pronunciation and spelling is actually quite simple. There, I said it.

(Did I just hear you groan? Wait! Hear me out…)

Let's take French for example. There are many nasal vowels that are difficult to pronounce, and the French spelling system is full of confusing complexities. They write Bordeaux but they say Bordo. Silent consonants are all over,’ tobacco’ is written tabac but pronounced taba. A number of words show variation: ‘August’ – août – may be pronounced ut or u, ‘all’ – tous – can be tu or tus.

And what about English? Have you had enough (or enuf) trouble spelling to make you want to scream (or skreem)? You are not alone. Since the 17th century, scholars have been protesting the irregularities that occur in English spelling. Check out Ed Rondthaler's video for an eye-opening experience. It's hilarious.

My point is that German pronunciation and spelling is quite easy because there are simple and reliable rules. You basically spell what you hear, and once you know and understand the sounds of German letters, you are all set.


This might look confusing at first, but as German pronunciation and spelling rules are regular and predictable, all that is required is some practice. From experience with my students I can tell that a little effort makes a big difference, and usually I notice the improvement immediately.


The following tips will not only help you sound more like a native speaker, but also improve your spelling skills.

1. Z

The German pronunciation of Z is always “TS”, even in foreign names like Mazda [Matsda] and Suzuki [Zootsukee]. Many students struggle with this sound at the beginning of a word, such as zu (to), zehn (ten), Zeit (time) or Zelt (tent). Imagine the English words “streets” or “rats”. They end with the typical German Z sound. Try to pronounce this sound at the beginning of the word “zu” [tsoo]. Well done, now you sound like a German!

2. ST & SP

These are pronounced “sht” and “shp” at the beginning of a word or syllable: Stuttgart [Shtutgart], Spiel ([shpi:l], “game”). “Sprechen Sie Deutsch?” – You are right, this sentence also starts with “shp”.

3. V & W

The German V is usually pronounced “F” at the beginning of words and syllables: viel (a lot), Vater (father), von (from). The German W is pronounced “V”, e.g. weil (because). Pronouncing these sounds correctly really makes a big difference.

4. AU

Like English ‘ow’ in ‘how’ and ‘now’. The vowel in German braun is very like the vowel in English ‘brown’.

5. EU

This combination of letters exists in many German words and is pronounced “OY” like in “oyster”. Examples are: Europa [Oyropah], Euro [Oyro], Deutschland [Doytshland]

What are your experiences with German pronunciation? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.


Itay is the founder of German Online Gym, a dynamic e-Learning portal exclusively dedicated to German language and culture training. Please click here for more information.

Hero image by waving at you (CC-BY-SA-2.0)