안녕하세요! So, The following statement was typed up as I thought of it (No dictionaries or notes were used to help myself). Any corrections or feedback is appreciated. I do not know the Korean word for “Appreciate”. I would have liked to use it instead of the word “like” in my statement below. 1. 오늘은 저는 시에 한국어 식당을 갔어요. 저는 한국어 만 이야기 했어요. 저는 이야기 안 많이했고, 하지만 웨이터가 좋아하는 인 것 같았어요. {Today, I went to a Korean restaurant in the city. I only spoke Korean. I didn't talk much, but the waiter seemed to like it.}
Nov 11, 2021 2:22 AM
Comments · 3
교정 오늘 저는 도시에 있는 한국식당에 갔어요. 나는 오직 한국어만 했어요. 나는 애기를 많이 안 했지만, 웨이터가 좋아하는것 같았어요. Adjective/verb stem +지만= but , although, nevertheless Korean 한국어, 한국의 n. adj. Korean store 한국 가게 Korean convenience store 한국 편의점 말을 했다 I spoke 말을 안 했다 I didn't speak 말을 못 했다 I couldn't speak I hope My tiny lesson help you.😊
November 11, 2021
네~^^ 열심히 한국어 공부 하시기 바래요 😉
November 11, 2021