사실, 프랑스의 미의 기준을 잘 몰라요. 프랑스 인스타그램이나 TV과 일상에서 보는 것을 사용해서 답변하겠다 /답변할 게요 ( Same thing?) 인스타그램과 TV에서는 성형 수술을 한 여자들이 가장 많은 팬을 있어요. 대부분의 시간, 이 여자들은 가슴과 엉덩이 이식을 받았어요.  그녀들은 도톰한 입술과 작은 허리가 있어요. 그리고 그들은 매우 하얀 치아, 가짜 손톱과 긴 머리카락 있어요. 또한 그들은 화장을 많이 해요. 저는 내일 일상에서 볼 수 있는 프랑스 여자 미의 기준에 대해서 말할 거예요. 그리고 아마 모레 프랑스 남자들의 미의 기준에 대해서 이야기 할 거예요. What is 'beauty' in your native country and your country’s culture? In fact, I don't know the beauty standards in France. I will answer using what I see on French Instagram or TV and in daily life. On Instagram and on TV, women who had plastic surgery have the most fans. Most of the time, these women have had breast and butt implants. They have thick lips and a small waist. And they have very white teeth, fake nails, and long hair. Also, they wear a lot of makeup. Tomorrow I will talk about the French women’s beauty standards as seen in “real life”. And the day after tomorrow I’ll probably talk about French males’ beauty standards. 틀린 것을 수정해주세요 :)
Jul 30, 2021 11:45 PM
Corrections · 2
사실,  저는 프랑스의 미의 기준을 잘 모르겠어요. 프랑스 인스타그램이나 TV과 일상에서 보는 것을 사용해서 답변할게요. 인스타그램과 TV에서는 성형 수술을 한 여자들이 가장 많은 팬들을 가지고 있어요. 이 여자들은 가슴과 엉덩이 이식을 받았어요.  그녀들은 도톰한 입술과 얇은 허리가 있어요. 그리고 매우 하얀 치아, 가짜 손톱과 긴 머리카락도 가지고있어요. 또한 화장도 많이 해요. 저는 매일 일상에서 볼 수 있는 프랑스 여자 미의 기준에 대해서 말할 거예요. 그리고 아마 모레엔 프랑스 남자들의 미의 기준에 대해서 이야기 할 거예요. What is 'beauty' in your native country and your country’s culture? In fact, I don't know the beauty standards in France. I will answer using what I see on French Instagram or TV and in daily life. On Instagram and on TV, women who had plastic surgery have the most fans. Most of the time, these women have had breast and butt implants. They have thick lips and a small waist. And they have very white teeth, fake nails, and long hair. Also, they wear a lot of makeup. Tomorrow I will talk about the French women’s beauty standards as seen in “real life”. And the day after tomorrow I’ll probably talk about French males’ beauty standards. 틀린 것을 수정해주세요 :)
문법적으로 "답변하겠다" 라는 말이 틀린건 아니지만, 엄청나게 딱딱한 말투라 보통은 사용하지않아요. 그리고 한국어에서는 특이하게 "그들", "그", "그녀"와 같은 3인칭 대명사를 자주 사용하지않습니다. 문법적으로 틀린건 아니지만, 사용하면 번역체같아 보이니 쓰지않는걸 추천드립니다. 그래도 잘쓰셨어요!! 열심히 공부하세요!
July 31, 2021
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