The meaning of On the go in Indonesian


Could anyone tell me the meaning of on the go in Indonesian?

Jan 3, 2016 12:59 AM
Comments · 5

Sorry for the wrong sentence, the sentence should be


Since she got a new job, she was always on the go all time

Semenjak dia memperoleh pekerjaan baru, dia selalu sibuk sepanjang waktu

January 3, 2016

On the go = sibuk, aktif


Ex :

Since she got a new job, she is always on the go all time

Semenjak dia memperoleh pekerjaan baru, dia selalu sibuk sepanjang waktu


Semoga membantu :)


January 3, 2016

You're from Indonesia, so you tell me. :-)

January 3, 2016

Sama-sama :)

January 4, 2016

Terima kasih untuk bantuannya.

January 4, 2016