Bani Flores
I'd like to know your opinion about Mexicans according your personal experiences
Jan 10, 2016 3:58 AM
Comments · 6

Never met one!


i love Tacos!

January 10, 2016

I have a Mexican friend, and I've been close to him. He's really nice. He sincerely teach me English a lot and patient when I made mistakes. I also teach him Indonesian, and he's a fast-learner. That's what I know about Mexican.

January 10, 2016

i've met one quite a few , and i have to say some of them were nice and polite persons , and i guess it is about how they are and not if they are mexicans , but also met one that was like a really rude person but i think because he was drunk and watching a football game , but as i said i think it is about the behavior they have around other people but beside the drunk one every mexican i've met have been really nice.

January 10, 2016

Sending a Chilango vibe now :)

January 10, 2016

ive only had experiences with Mexican exchange students who came to my school and my friends= tutored in english. They were nice but shy considering they didnt speak english.

January 10, 2016
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