Reading in a language you want to learn as a tool of your way to fluency

This is a very good website in Arabic language which is like an online magazine, it posts articles in many domains and fields; social, environmental, technological, mathematics, physics, biology, philosophy, and psychology. 
Adding the best online magazine in your own language in comments is most welcomed.
 Have a good day. ;

Jan 17, 2016 2:19 PM
Comments · 5
1 ;

This one looks kind of similar, it has articles on some really interesting and varied topics. ;

And this is a really good one for people interested in science.

February 28, 2016

after surfing this website, I think it is pretty difficult for Arabic learner to read and improve the reading skills. Just the advanced learner may challenge the new vocabulary and the complicated structures. I see the materials included in the website are mostly academic topics more than general. It is just a perspective to teach your language partner. Generally, I wish I could find such as this web site in english, that might be helpful for IBT practice.

January 17, 2016

@Michaela if you learn standard Arabic you will find all articles suitable for you, and in general most of Arabic articles on such sites are not in a specific dialect but standard Arabic "Fusha".

January 17, 2016

For people learning an Arabic dialect, reading can be more difficult because it's harder to find materials in the dialect we are learning.

January 17, 2016

Nice..... Thanks


January 17, 2016